Transportation of Live Animals


  • An extra baggage fee of 5 kg will be charged for the transport of each pet container.


  • The allowed animals are small Dogs, Cats, and household Birds only, other species of live animals are prohibited.
  • The total weight of the animal plus the pet container should not exceed a total of 5kg.
  • The pet container must be flexible adequately to fit within the dimensions of (47cm X 40cm X 25cm) without harming or applying pressure onto the animal.
  • The pet container must have an adequate number of holes for ventilation.
  • The pet container must be leak-proof and securely fastened (to prevent the escape of the pet)
  • The pet must remain in the pet container at all times during the flight.
  • The pet container must be stowed under the seat in front of the passenger, throughout the flight duration and passenger with animal may not seat in row 1 and emergency exit seat.
  • The passenger is fully responsible for their pet, including any injury or loss.


  • Flynas reserves the right to ensure the compliance of the cages & soft bags to the transportation of live animals’ terms and conditions.
  • Flynas reserves the right to refuse the carriage of any animal that may pose a threat to its passenger’s safety and/or comfort.
  • Flynas is not responsible for injuries or accidents that may happen to the pet.