
mokafaa loyalty program members can now convert their mokafaa points to nasmiles. You will receive 1 nasmile upon converting 21 mokafaa points.

mokafaa is a unique loyalty program that has specifically been designed with keeping YOU in mind. We value your patronage with us, which is why mokafaa loyalty provides an enriched & rewarding loyalty experience across the Kingdom. Simply earn mokafaa points through Al Rajhi bank products and services and redeem them at over 100 in-store mokafaa partners across Saudi Arabia.

Reward mokafaa point to nasmiles
  • Log into AL Rajhi bank mobile app
  • Scroll down to mokafaa section
  • Click on mokafaa
  • Click on “transfers/transfer to conversions”
  • Select “nasmiles” on partners list and enter your membership number
  • Input points and confirm

Al Rajhi Bank mokafaa program’s terms and conditions apply.