Flights from Mumbai to Riyadh starting from SAR499.99
Browse our Flights from Mumbai to Riyadh!
Mumbai (BOM)to
Flights from Mumbai to Riyadh
If you’re looking to book Mumbai to Riyadh flights, why not do so with the leading low-cost airline in Saudi Arabia?
With flynas, you’ll find multiple direct flights from Mumbai to Riyadh taking off every single week - as well as several non-direct flights daily. With so many options to choose from, simply pick the day and time that works best for your schedule and you’re set to go.
That’s not the only benefit of booking with flynas. Whether you’re flying economy or premium, we’re committed to making every flight an exceptional one. Just sit back, relax, and prepare to enjoy timely onboarding, top comfort, and award-winning customer service throughout your journey.
And if you’re wondering what to do once you get to the capital, flynas has you covered. Our guide to Riyadh gives you our best tips for how to spend your time, from the top activities and attractions to where to stay, sleep, and how to get around.
 How far is Mumbai to Riyadh by plane?
The flight distance from Riyadh to Mumbai is approximately 2,761 kilometers or 1,716 miles.
How to book your flight from Mumbai to Riyadh
Making a booking is easy with flynas.
 Simply enter your preferred dates and ticket type into our booking page, then we can find you the best cheap flights from Mumbai to Riyadh.
Equally, if you’d rather book over the phone – call the flynas contact center at +966 920001234 (toll-free KSA only) or +966 114349000 (for international customers).